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Oulu, Finland
Olá. Meu nome é Eliel Vargas. Pastor. Casado, pai de uma linda filha. Gaúcho de nascimento e cidadão do mundo por chamado e escolha. Atualmente moro na Finlândia, onde pode ser a "Terra do fim" ou a "Terra do começo".


A world without music

Can you imagine a world without music? Only voices, words, sounds but no melody... the world would not be the same, would it?
One day I heard someone say, "everyone should read a poetry, listen to a good song and appreciate a work of art at least once a day". I think once a day is too much but it would be good to do it often.
Music has something special because it touches places words do not reach. They can also give more meaning to the words. Sometimes words are not even necessary, the melody itself can do all the work. It touches people. Bible makes references to music and poetry. The songs of David and from the sons of Core registered in the Psalms. The songs of Salomon showing the love between a man and a woman. Song is present from the beginning of mankind even before that because before man was created, nature created by God was already singing. Nature praises God with sounds and the music. Even the stars make sounds and the Bible tells that them all "give glory to God". Now we will begin start listening to birds singing, celebrating spring and summer.
Singing and listening to music is an oportunity of expressing our feelings and travel through them so why not singing a song today or right now to celebrate life? I wish that in this spring you can listen to good songs. Do you know whicha are good songs? The ones that touch your heart. Enjoy a joyfull summer. eiv.

Article published in the monthly 
magazine of The Salvation Army in Finland.  
"Sota Huuto" (war cry)  May-2013.

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